Sunday, May 19, 2013

Learning how to read

1. If you had never been taught how to read, would you automatically know how to read? 
2. Would you know automatically why it's important to know how to read? 
3. Would you know the value in knowing how to read?

1.No -  Probably started at home with my Mom and siblings, but I remember my teachers at school teaching me how to read.
2. No - I was taught without realizing I had a choice in it. My peers were doing the same thing, we were all in this together.  It was the norm.
3. No, but as I got older I could see the value in knowing how to read.

1. If you had never been taught how to portion control and make healthy eating choices, would you automatically know how to portion control and make healthy eating choices?
2. Would you know automatically why it's important to know how to portion control and make healthy eating choices?
3. Would you know the value in knowing how to portion control and make healthy eating choices?

1. No  - but I was never hungry, no one ever said how to eat, you just ate
2. No - I couldn't see the impact of it, everyone ate and so did I
3. No - but as I got older I thought it's just me. Why do I look different than everyone else because  we're all doing the same thing, eating

  I'm trying to get to the root of my issues with food. When and why did it all start?  Because this time I don't want to go back.

- Kara Lea

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Food Log Apps

I have become a food scanning nut!  My daughter would not go to the grocery store with me last Saturday  because my plan was to scan food labels and compare nutrition/calorie values! 

One of the sites/apps that my personal trainer recommends is "Lose It".  We can enter or scan the foods we eat and then print out our weekly logs to go over with her when we meet weekly.  I like it this one.  It's very simple and the app lets me use my smart phone to scan the bar codes for nutrition info.

Here are some other ones: (you can access them on your computer too)

Food Log Apps:
    SparkPeople (this one was a little to "busy" for me, but they have some good articles, etc)
    Daily Plate
    My Fitness Pal
    Calorie King
    Lose It

Nutrition Apps:
    Fooducate ( I love this one - now that I'm learning about the nutritional value of my food, not just calorie value, this has wonderful information on it)

What Apps or web sites do you use to help you with your weight loss journey?

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another!
Blessings to you today - Kara Lea

Friday, May 3, 2013

Good Food Choices Weekend

I'm always worried when the weekend comes around for the food choices I have to make.  Weekends are unstructured for me.  Weekdays I wake up at a certain time, have a morning breakfast routine, leave for work, have a lunch routine and come home to a dinner I've pre-made, etc.  Weekends . . . not so.  I have to admit last weekend I ate at McDonald's twice!  Each time I only choice their new wraps - the Sweet Chili Grilled Chicken.  It helped - it tasted great and filled me up.  I read an article on them and it said this wrap was a good choice calorie wise, only 310 I think.  So if I have to when out and about running usual weekend errands, etc., I'm gonna choose it again.

I want to work on some healthier dinners that I can eat with my family.  This weekend I want to check out some new recipes and one of my favorite blogs,

Here's to a healthy eating weekend!

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! Be Blessed- Kara Lea

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Food Log Day

This is what my daily food log looks like in "Lose It".  I am way under 1000 calories today. Totally not the norm! I'm trying some new things to test my fill up and hunger feelings. And I exercised a lot for me today!  My next post I'll explain what the nutrition figures mean to all I'm eating and what ranges I'm in the good and what ranges I'm in the bad for Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fiber and Sodium.
Breakfast: 245
Bread, 100% Whl Wheat
1 1/2 Ounces
Lunch: 270
Dinner: 191
Beans, Green
1/2 Cup
Soda, Pepsi, Diet
8 Fluid ounces
Snacks: 0
No food logged for snacks
Exercise: 246
3 mph, moderate
10 Min
20 Min
30 Min

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Food Log & Nutrition Apps

I have become a food scanning nut!  My daughter would not go to the grocery store with me last Saturday  because my plan was to scan food labels and compare nutrition/calorie values! 

One of the sites/apps that my personal trainer recommends is "Lose It".  We can enter or scan the foods we eat and then print out our weekly logs to go over with her when we meet weekly.  I like it this one.  It's very simple and the app lets me use my smart phone to scan the bar codes for nutrition info.

Here are some other ones: (you can access them on your computer too)

Food Log Apps:
    SparkPeople (this one was a little to "busy" for me, but they have some good articles, etc)
    Daily Plate
    My Fitness Pal
    Calorie King
    Lose It

Nutrition Apps:
    Fooducate ( I love this one - now that I'm learning about the nutritional value of my food, not just calorie value, this has wonderful information on it)

What Apps or web sites do you use to help you with your weight loss journey?

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another!
Blessings to you today - Kara Lea

Calculating Basic Metabolic Rate

Happy Saturday!

I wanted to share the following calculation formula for someone who may not know it.  It determines your daily calorie intake in order to maintain your current wait.  You can also calculate in your exercise to correctly gauge this too.  I've been trying to lose weight for years.  Read books, magazine articles, met with a nutritionist, joined a gym, joined a weight loss center, purchased a work out DVD, talked with family and friends, but I've never quite had my calorie needs explained to me like this before.  So far, personal trainer for nutrition purposes is really helping me.

Women:  Basic Metabolic Rate/BMR = 655 + (4.3 X wt in lbs) + (4.7 x ht in inches) - (4.7 x age in yrs)
(it's different for men)

For example:  655 + (4.3 X 254) or 1092.20 + (4.7 x 66) or 310.20 - (4.7 x 42) or 197.4 = 1860.
To calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) use the chart below:

Activity Multiplier
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1 - 3 days/wk)
Mod active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3 - 5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6 - 7 days/wk)
Extra active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e. marathon, etc.)

For example: 1860. X 1.2 = 2232.   This is the daily calorie intake in order for me to maintain 254 lbs.

In order to lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit.  (Yes I know this!)

Reducing your calorie intake by 3500 calories PER WEEK (500 calories a day) will allow you to lose one pound of body weight per week. 

For example:  Daily calorie intake:                  2232.00   Maintaining current weight
                      Daily 500 calorie reduction:     1732.00   To lose 1 pounds this week
                 Or Daily 1000 calorie reduction:   1232.00   To lose 2 pounds this week


I'll be sharing some really helpful apps in my next post.

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another!
Blessings to you today - Kara Lea

Friday, April 26, 2013

Personal Trainer

My workplace has given me an opportunity to work with a personal trainer for nutrition purposes as part of their healthcare initiative.  I admit I was a little hesitant.  I don't know why.  I think it's all the years of negative self talk, fear of failure-because I always end up failing this part of my life.  My personal issues with weight and exercise have been more emotional/psychological than physical.  I don't know why that is, but I'm just tired of spending of so much energy thinking about.  I want to get to a place where I don't think about and I just do it without having to think!  (Sorry about the blah, blah, blah there!)

It's only been a few days.  We initially met as a group on Tuesday and yesterday we were assessed!  After years of reading, talking and working on weight loss, I'm hoping this experience will give me new insight!  I must say just being "assessed" helped me.  Here's what happened:

* weighed in
* blood pressure taken
* measurements of body taken (arms, thighs, waist, hips)
* measured flexibility and strength (various stretches to check reach length/flexibility with arms and legs, push up-upper body strength)
* used one of those machines that gauges your body fat-forget what they called it
* calculated how many calories I can eat to maintain my current weight
* based on how much I need to lose, discussed what my new daily calories need to be in order to  meet my goal
* calculated maximum heart rate, resting heart rate

Next post I'll share the formulas to figuring out the numbers and also some websites and apps.

My everyday homework: log what I eat
My extra homework:     Exercise 3 days for 30 minutes each time (10 min intervals are OK)

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another!
Have a blessed day - Kara Lea

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tomorrow is the start of another week. Again, I am still stuck on the weight merry-go-round. I am an analytical person. So any weight loss effort I've ever made, going way back to when I was in middle school, has been based more so on the "why to lose weight" rather than just "doing what needs done to lose weight and keep it off."

My latest thought . . . I'm not vain enough to see it through. I'm not unhealthy enough to see it through.

Something will click. Sometime, someday . . .

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Precious Time

5:30am - get out of bed
* bathroom
* let dogs out, feed dogs
* pack lunches
* prepare for evening dinner prep
* wake child, she's 12
* take shower, get ready for work
* eat breakfast, brush teeth, out the door
* drop child off at school
* arrive at work 7:50, 8am start, I work in accounting
* 4:30pm, leave work
* go to banks, for work
* home 5:05pm
* let dogs out
( hubby has taken child to vball practice, winter league)
* wash hands and start dinner (salad, spagetti w/meatballs, sauce and meatballs in crock pot-had child put them in after school)
* put dishes away in dishwasher
* set table
* family home, dinner at 6pm
* dinner clean up, washed pots, load dish washer
* hubby helping child with homework
* 7pm, change into pajamas, wash face, brush teeth
* 7:15, sitting on my bed, putting cream on my hands

When could I have made time to exercise? I guess I could have done it after cleaning dinner up, but after 30 min. exercise I'd have to shower and by that time it would be 8pm or after. I go to bed at 9pm.

Exercise ??????

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finding the True Desire to Lose

So I'm on Web MD last night and I take this quiz on whether or not I know how to lose weight.  After the quiz they declare I'm "Winning at Losing".  Huh . . . have you seen me?  I'm NOT "Winning at Losing" rather "Winning at Gaining".  Believe me if I could lose weight based on my knowledge of how to lose weight . . . you wouldn't see me.  I would be invisible.

It all comes down to true desire.  For some reason I really have never had it.  I'm not lazy, I don't lack self-control . . . I don't have true desire, never have.

Why not?

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea