Since joining "Ready For Summer Challenge" I've been increasing my walks and exercise routines. I walk about 10 minutes everyday at work very briskly before lunch. I also started to use a free app. that builds your stamina on the treadmill. What I've noticed is that after these brisk workouts I feel incredibly relaxed. Like just wanting to lay down, take a deep breath and peacefully take a long relaxing nap feeling. I always thought exercise energized you. I am NOT an exerciser! I know I should be for health reasons and the obvious healthy weight reason, but I do not particularly like to exercise so this feeling baffles me. I googled, "why do I feel so relaxed after exercising rather than energized"? In a word, endorphins I was told. Which does explain why I'm kind of peaceful and just want to take a deep breath and let the world pass on by feeling!
How do you feel after working out?
Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea