Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gym Membership or not?

Should I invest in a Y membership? My husband just wants to make sure we use it if we make the investment.  I've held off for so long.  Just when I'm ready to make the commitment I wake up in the morning or come home from work so tired and think to myself "I'm glad I don't have the membership because I wouldn't be using it today."  I seem to have more days like that than motivated ones.

What are some fellow blogger experiences with this type of decision?

Make one good choice today, it can lead to another! God Bless- Kara Lea


  1. This is my advice.....

    #1 The gym MUST be close, the further away, the harder to get to
    #2 The gym MUST have a variety of classes - and you should try everything at least twice before you decide if you like it or not.
    #3 The gym MUST have hours that work for you
    #4 You gotta commit to going, 5/6 days a week. I suggest first thing in the morning. I have to be up and out of bed twice a week by 4:30 to make a certain class I like that starts at 5:am. Is it early? Oh hell yeah! But the nice thing about working in the AM is that you get a lot of energy from it, your metabolism is revved up ALL DAY, and if you get tired later, you don't have to worry about making it.

    I'd suggest focusing on cardio that is non impact - biking or elliptical are my favorite. I started out on the elliptical The first time I went about 15 minutes and was wiped out. In a month, I could do 20, in three months, 30 minutes. Now I can go 90 minutes if I choose to. I still can't get a good rhythm on the treadmill. The pounding is just too hard on my joints. RUnning is a goal for next year, maybe.

    Adding weights is a good idea once you get an idea of what kind of classes you like. If you find a strength class that works for you, then you don't need to worry about doing weights on your own. I found I just don't LIKE the group exercising classes, even when my own trainer teaches them. Just don't like them. So I don't make myself do anything I just don't like -- same for you. Do what you like, what makes you feel strong and powerful and fast.

    Good luck...can't wait to hear your success!

  2. When I was a gym member, I always thought, "Well, I already paid for it, I should go..." Now that I don't have one, it's hard to motivate on my own! So I vote yes, get one! :)

  3. I vote YES too!! Find something you like to do and make it a priority to get there every week! Soon you will want to do more and more.

    Keep focused!

  4. Hi Kara Lea,
    I just found the comment you left for me a few days was way down on my page and I almost missed it. Anyways, I just wanted to encourage you while you're in the 'valley'. We all have those valley times in our journey. The most important thing is to pray and not give up!!! God has the answers and has already made the way, we just have to be willing to follow Him.

    As for the gym membership, all I can say is...think about it...seriously. I got a gym membership, but later realized I was in a pretty desperate place when I made that decision. I came to regret it, but since there was no turning back have decided to make the best of it.

    Be blessed!
